Recognizing the myriad of shortcomings in the current design and construction delivery process, Mr. Beem founded Beem Management in 2015 with a holistic vision for project management. Beem Management bridges gaps, builds consensus, and delivers project success.
As a licensed architect of 35 years, Dave Beem has personally directed hundreds of highly successful projects, including corporate HQ buildings, tenant fit-outs, trading floors, financial services projects, master plans, zoning evaluations, hospitality projects, institutional work, recreational, health care, historical/SHPO and multi-family projects in the US and Europe. His transition from Designer to Design Manager is chronicledin a chapter in Stephen Emmitt’s 2016 book “Design Management”, which you can find here.
The Beem Management team includes several senior specialty advisors, notably Mr. Ted Farinella (scheduling specialist) and Mr. Scott Kopraski (cost estimating specialist), who add the further dimension of projects in the higher education, government, lab, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing sectors.